
Welcome to the NTPD - the directory of niche tobacco products

This directory provides detailed information about a range of niche tobacco products, specifically smokeless products and shisha. It will be of interest to those who regulate the supply of these products in the UK, businesses that import or sell these products, and health professionals with an interest in the diverse nature of tobacco products.

Product images, analytical reports and legislative requirements are provided to aid the identification of these diverse products.

In developing this directory it has become apparent that a minority of the products tested do not contain tobacco, although this is not obvious from the packaging or labelling to the consumer or regulator. For clarity, where a product contains tobacco an indication will be given alongside the brand name of the product.

Grateful thanks are extended to the National Cancer Institute and the Centre for Disease Control for their permission to incorporate the fact sheets used at the 3rd International Conference on Smokeless Tobacco, Advancing Science & Protecting Public Health, September 22-25, 2002, Stockholm, Sweden.

October 2017: All tobacco products are required under the Tobacco and Related Products Regulations 2016 to be notified to Public Health England (by the producer). Products that have not been notified and that are found on sale may be subject to seizure by Trading Standards.

Retailers should therefore ensure before they purchase tobacco products and, in particular niche tobacco products like shisha, blunts and chewing tobacco, that the products have been notified. Retailers can do this by checking the list published on the PHE site and / or obtaining written assurances from their suppliers.

GutkhaIntroduction to Smokeless Tobacco Products

Smokeless tobacco products have been in existence for thousands of years among populations in South America and Southeast Asia. Over time, these products have gained popularity throughout the world. Smokeless tobacco products have been in existence for thousands of years among populations in South America and Southeast Asia. Over time, these products have gained popularity throughout the world. Smokeless tobacco products have been in existence for thousands of years among populations in South America and Southeast Asia.

Page updated:2022
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