Ansul Tobacco

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Ansul (contains tobacco)

Product type


HMRC commodity code

Chewing tobacco (see rates of duty)

Country of origin


Results of analysis

EUHAW JJ0G4 Nicotine 3.4% w/w
EUDLW UD142 Aflatoxin B1
EUDLW UD142 Aflatoxin B1
EUDLW UD142 Aflatoxin G1
EUDLW UD142 Aflatoxin G2
EUDLW Total aflatoxin

Analyst's observations

The sample included fragments of leaf material, a substantial amount having the microscopic characteristics of tobacco leaf. Chemical analysis showed the presence of nicotine. Based on natural nicotine content of dried tobacco ranging from 2 to 8 percent, the results are consistent with the sample containing at least 42 per cent tobacco.


The certificate of analysis relates to a particular sample of a product. While the analysis MAY give an indication of the likely content of other similarly branded products, it cannot be used as a definitive guide. Additional testing is recommended.

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Page updated:2022