Makla Bouhlel Bentchiou Red
Makla Bouhlel Bentchiou Red (contains tobacco)
Product Type:
HMRC commodity code
Supply prohibited
Country of origin
Results of analysis
Method Code | Determination | Result |
Seal Number | none | |
Nicotine mg/Kg | 11400 | |
A0049 | Lead mg/Kg | 0.88 |
FD145 | Arsenic mg/Kg | |
FD145 | Cadmium mg/Kg | .0.41 |
The sample was submitted in a small metallic container; a small amount of corrosion was visible on the inner surface. The container was marked "This tobacco product can damage your health and is addictive". The analyst is of the opinion that the content of nicotine is typical for this type of product, and that the contents of lead and cadmium in smokeless tobacco products should not exceed 2 milligrams per kilogram and the sample is satisfactory with regard to these results.
The certificate of analysis relates to a particular sample of a product. While the analysis MAY give an indication of the likely content of other similarly branded products, it cannot be used as a definitive guide. Additional testing is recommended.
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